Note To Self II

Beloved One,

I am writing this letter to reaffirm my love for you, as a keepsake for you to cherish, and as a reminder of my commitment to your happiness.

In moments of extreme frustration, I have questioned my love for you, I have doubted your worth and I have hurt you countless times with my words and actions.

I deeply apologize for the pain I’ve inflicted upon you and ask for your forgiveness. I have buried you when trying to escape the pain. Please know I am holding space for your pilgrimage to wholeness, even when I feel broken.

Love is all…MW

©️2021 🙏
Original Post / Imported from Silver Moon Cove

Note To Self

I want to bring peace to your anguished soul
I want to alleviate your suffering
I want to bring your hidden pain
Out of the shadows and into the light

You will experience a powerful range of raw emotions
As you identify the source of each wound
Burning deep inside your core

Do not despair
I will be there with you
Touching each one
With the balm of compassion
Wrapping you in safety
Imbuing you with strength

I ask nothing more of you than to open to me
So that I may begin the work
Of healing your spirit
And restoring your trust

I am here.
When you are ready
I will begin the work

I simply await your invitation…

Message from Spirit and Source
© 2021 Mother Wintermoon
Original post / Imported from Silver Moon Cove