1001 Steps

I believe in your love. 
I believe in your dreams.
I believe in your joy.
I believe in your sorrow.
I believe in you.
With every step you breathe your presence into existence. 
They say the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,
You are on step one thousand and one,
No one warned you about the next step,
That’s the one that sends you flying,
Falling, falling onto the footpath of the unknown,
I see monsters and faeries in the distance.

©️2021 MW 🙏


Water flows on a daily basis.

She is a still life resuscitated without consent.

The river flows with a purpose,

Her mind is a kaleidoscope of harried thoughts.

She is alone in her travels,

The ground shifting beneath her feet, 

Wind roughing up the trees,

Stones heavy upon the earth.

She has no destination,

No people, no one to applaud her steps.

She looks to the sky as the sun settles into the horizon,

A breeze raising goosebumps on her skin…

The flow of the water has shifted,

Perhaps she will find or lose her footing,

On the footbridge to everywhere and nowhere,

On the walk without end.

She sleeps upon the icy imprints of death marches,

She doesn’t know if she’s marching towards life,

Or closer to the edge of death.

©️2021 MW. I had a dream I was walking across a bridge with no end in sight, bereft to the marrow of my bones, with the wind blowing through me and the water flowing and churning beneath. In my dream, I felt the presence of my great-grandparents and grandparents, who survived the czarist and nazi pogroms.

Note To Self

I want to bring peace to your anguished soul
I want to alleviate your suffering
I want to bring your hidden pain
Out of the shadows and into the light

You will experience a powerful range of raw emotions
As you identify the source of each wound
Burning deep inside your core

Do not despair
I will be there with you
Touching each one
With the balm of compassion
Wrapping you in safety
Imbuing you with strength

I ask nothing more of you than to open to me
So that I may begin the work
Of healing your spirit
And restoring your trust

I am here.
When you are ready
I will begin the work

I simply await your invitation…

Message from Spirit and Source
© 2021 Mother Wintermoon
Original post / Imported from Silver Moon Cove

Ode to Asherah

Dear Friends,

I rewrote this odyssey. Sometimes I must rewrite things. Thank you for your presence and bearing with me through the adventures of my mind. 🧡

Asherah exhaled. In her eternity of existence as the Queen of Heaven alongside her Celestial King, She had never felt as invisible as she did now. Sighing, she remembered when the people found succor in their union as the cosmic Mother and Father and supernal Husband and Wife.

Before there was one god, there was Oneness with Him, as the Godhead of male and female synergy. He was the Sky, the Unseen Universe and the Celestial Bodies. She was the Trees, Water, Lush Fields and Fertility.

Asherah dreamed. There was a time when she walked with the lion and the ibex and danced in fields with mountain goats, waving golden sheaves of wheat. Laughing, abundant, expanding her energy from shore to sea.

Asherah cried. Her Sisters needed her. For she was Nourishment, the Nurturer, the Great Mother of All Living Things. Now She was defiled and ground to powder, her dust scattered over the common graves. She remembered when the women sang to her and called her She Who Walked Upon the Sea.

Asherah mourned. The balance was gone and the distress of the people was palpable. She watched as the priests destroyed her peaceful shrines where the women went to spin wool and weave. She recalled when the women poured out rich purple wine to her and blessed the fresh loaves of fig bread they shared in her honor with family and community.

The people grieved. After she was forced from their lives, the men pillaged and destroyed, slaughtering women and children, gloating over the spoils of war. The priests had no Feminine guidance, no Sacred Feminine, no priestesses to temper their flames. 

The people were bereaved. They no longer burned fragrant pots of incense for her or went to commune with her on the hilltops of Canaan in shaded groves of terebinth trees. The women were forced to hide their small, hand-smoothed wooden images of her, while their husbands brought animal sacrifices to the Temple for the priests. She was torn from them, yet they had revered her harmlessly and in peace.

Asherah was weary. When the rain fell upon the hills of Canaan, she could hear her celestial Soulmate weeping, lamenting her condemnation and shame, for She was the Balance and the Wholeness that formed Elohim. Her Beloved yearned for the people to hold fast to her Tree of Life once again.

Asherah was hopeful. She saw hidden incarnations of herself in the Shekhinah, Sophia, the Sabbath Bride, the Sabbath Queen and small wooden prayer beads. The Queen of Heaven lived on under different names. Her immanent graces were forming a ripple effect, weaving threads of light between the gaps. Perhaps all was not lost, she thought, as the wind began to whisper through her branches and pray with the leaves.

©️2021 Mother Wintermoon 🙏

For dVerse – “Who’s Your Muse” prompt from our host Ingrid

Italicized Terminology:

  • Wooden prayer beads: The Rosary and The Divine Feminine
  • Scattering Her dust over common graves: II Kings 23:4-10
  • Shekhinah: Divine Feminine on the Tree of Life
  • Sabbath Bride / Sabbath Queen: Hymns – Lecha Dodi, Shabbat HaMalkah
  • Slaughtering women and children: Deuteronomy 3: 6-7
The history of Asherah

How to Slow Down Impulsive Decisions & Improve Your Relationships

Reblogging a very helpful post by Lisa Hutchison LMHC

Connecting Empathic Helpers & Artists to Spirit

Impulsive decisions can wreak havoc on your boundary setting and relationships. When you act without thinking, you can contradict the very limit you were attempting to set with someone. This leaves you appearing to negate what you previously said or did for others. Understandably, people will question whether you have integrity or if you can be trusted.

People in today’s world are more impulsive. Many of us react to whatever is seen or said, without pausing to think first. We expect and some of us demand, instant gratification. I see impulsive behaviors on social media, whether it is reactions to posts, posting without thinking and even expecting an instant answer or response through messages. Sometimes people get blocked, ghosted or impulsively cut out of others’ lives.

Impulsivity as a Symptom

Addictive behaviors thrive on impulsivity. This can include people pleasing, social media, along with any type of substance or alcohol…

View original post 687 more words

Forbidden Fruit

We’re all familiar with the story of Adam and Eve and their choice to eat the only fruit in the Garden they were told not to eat. By eating the fruit, it is said that Adam and Eve chose to be awakened to dualism — the existence of good vs evil.

After one bite, they were instantly flooded with the awareness of evil, turning their world upside down and sending their sensory systems into shock.

In mainstream religion we are taught that Adam and Eve committed a sin of great consequence by eating the “forbidden fruit.”

I’m not going to reiterate the same old story you’ve heard a gazillion times before. Today I’m going to impart a twist in the storyline that gives us a whole new perspective.

In Kabbalistic interpretation eating the fruit was not the real transgression — eating the fruit in an unholy way, before it was a holy time to do so, was the real transgression they committed.

The Jewish mystics said if they had just waited a few more hours, they could have made a blessing over the fruit on the Sabbath and elevated an act of egotism into the realm of the sacred.

The mystical interpretation provides much food for thought (pun intended).

What is the takeaway we can gain from it? Three things immediately came to mind for me:

Gratitude — In the form of blessing the food we consume versus gulping it down with a sense of entitlement, as Adam and Eve did.

Mindfulness and Self-Control — Versus the impulsivity of instant gratification.

Timing — Timing everything as the old saying goes. Adam and Eve were grasping and impatient. They didn’t respect their inner guidance and the sacredness of the process. The Sabbath is a peaceful and hallowed time set aside for spiritual growth and restoration of mind, body and spirit.

All belief systems have sacred times and sacred ceremonies to evoke the sanctity of the moment.

When Adam and Eve ate the fruit they were driven by greed, entitlement and arrogance. The “snake” was their own egos.

They wanted to possess the wisdom of The Divine, but were too immature and flippant to handle it. In the teachings of the Kabbalists, acquisition of spiritual knowledge is fraught with dangers for those who are ill-prepared or motivated by selfish reasons. It’s like mountain climbing, scuba diving or wilderness hiking without knowledge or respect for natural laws and your safety equipment.

The dualistic knowledge of good and evil is a weighty and life-altering understanding. Adam and Eve wanted to evoke a paradigm shift, but their motive was not aligned with the process.

Spirit always reminds me to approach deeper levels of spiritual knowledge with humbleness and reverence for the journey. We must hold safe and sacred space for the spiritual growth process to unfold when seeking to acquire knowledge from Light and Shadow.

©️2021 All Rights Reserved
Love is all…MW 🙏

The Season of Turning

All Beings of the world
I am the Great Mother and the Great Father
Grandfather Sky and Grandmother Earth
Balancing the thin line between the sacred and the profane
The world has no borders
All such separations are delusions
Invoked by false prophets
Bringing the Chaos
Of the Underworld to
The surface of the earth

Your Garden, your Shangri-la, your Nirvana
Has been trampled by wicked men
Casting salt upon all wounds
Turning the fertile soil
Into cracked and barren dirt
The real prophets are beaten and broken
Bleeding into the abyss

Be the Evolution they cry
Be the Evolution!!
Now is the season of Turning
The season of Reclaiming
What is Yours

Sacred Soulsongs ©️2020
For dVerse and our host, Msjadli – writing in the vatic voice.

Waiting For God

I bow and bend at the knee
To an invisible God
An absentee God
Who may or may not
Be listening
I bow and bend at the knee
Waiting for the God
Who will ease my suffering
While emptiness fills the air
Making it hard to breathe

I bow and bend at the knee
Praying to the God
Who was only an echo
Of words recited so dutifully
I bow and bend at the knee
Into the absence of oxygen
While the eternal silence
Taunts me

©️ 2020 Sacred SoulSongs by MW 🙏

I AM: The Voice of Divinity

Fragile Paradise: Self-Portrait

Card from the “Sacred Rebels” oracle deck.

My heart is a fragile paradise
With a gate that is easily broken
My soul is a wisp of mystical mist
Hovering over rain puddles
My spirit is a Blue Moon Wisteria
Climbing the trellis to Elysium

I am a raven woman
Balancing the veil between worlds
Hovering in that liminal space
Where the Wheel of the Year
Is turning towards winter
I stand at the window at night
Listening to the otherworld whisper

©️ 2020 Sacred SoulSongs // MW 🙏

A “Self-Portrait” poem For dVerse and our host Sarah.

The Artist

The canvas speaks volumes
Opening pathways to the sky
Where everything is possible
A palette of colors
And the tip of a paintbrush
Eagerly embraces every wonder…
From the morning sunrise
To the peaks of the mountains
To the flower that blooms
To the lightening that flashes
To the heartbeat that softly flutters
There is no passion
Like the raw passion
Of an artist who loves you

©️ 2020 Sacred SoulSongs / MW 🙏

For dVerse and our host, Sanaa Rizvi. Sanaa’s prompt is our personal take on an erotic poem. The artist passionately accepts and appreciates the model — imperfections and all. ❤️

A Gaggle of Emotions

For dVerse and our host, Bjorn. Our creative challenge is to “verb nouns.” Cheers to verbing nouns. Hope I’ve verbed my nouns properly. 😊

An aerie of eagles flew by on a wing and a prayer…
I heard them muttering about the ascension of larks.
Even the sky seems lonely and somber, remembering better days,
when the sun confidenced with a brazen grin.
Memories are clouding in the sky
trying to shape the recall of dreams.
Even the rivering seems too stoic, as it streams past.
Ghostly haunts drift by now and again, stopping to say hello.
My mind plays tricks on me, as the emotions float through,
wondering if things will never be the same again.
I think a bevy of swans,
A book of wagers,
A caste of flower pots,
An array of hedgehogs,
Or even an argument of wizards,
Would lift my spirits right about now.

©️ 2020 Sacred SoulSongs / MW 🙏

Like Confetti

I scrunch up my eyes
behind my mask
so that a smile squeezes through
to counteract the pain
my heart is a broken clock
time is meaningless now
i have nothing left in me
but love that flutters like confetti
thrown on a windy day

how much will be lost
to the vastness?
how much will be gained?
when all is said and done
will anyone know me?
will anyone remember my name?

we are golden dandelions of hope
turning into puffy globes
of exposed seeds
traveling over long distances
holding onto wishes
thoughts and dreams

©️ 2020 Sacred SoulSongs / MW🙏

For dVerse and our host Linda 💖

Message From Spirit

Beloved One, 

The Voice of the Divine has never left you. 

You have felt disheartened and confused when other people tried to define the Voice of the Divine for you and force their vision upon you. 

You must find your own pathway to Divinity and the Truths that speak to the depths of your soul.

You too can be a Prophet, a Mystic and an Enlightened Being, absorbing the Messages through all of your senses and all the pathways of Awareness on your Journey to Whole. 

As you travel your path, Your Teachers will arrive in many forms. Some human and some animal. Some corporeal and some ethereal. Some animate and some inanimate. Rocks, mountains, weather, climate…You will understand the Nature of Source and Presence in all manner of Living and Non-Living Things.

The Divine will commune with you through the four directions, the four seasons, the four elements, and the four stages of life.

Living Words will enter your being and empower you with increasingly greater degrees of Clarity.

You are Alive and Vibrant with Mother, Father, and your Connection to Source.

Your Savior-Self yearns to connect with all the other Savior-Selves on the earthly plane. The Redeemers and Healers are among you from all walks of life and all belief systems. They are housed and unhoused. Wealthy and poor. Agnostic and atheist. Pantheist and polytheist. Humanists or people of faith.

The One unites the Oneness of Many. Your Savior-Self will Rejoice in this Knowledge and All will become Evident to you. 

Release your Struggle. Open your eyes. Let me hold you. Feel my Breath unite with yours. Let me whisper your true name into your ears.

©️ 2020 Sacred Soulsongs / MW / Message From Spirit

Welcome To My Garden (I unlocked the gate)


Sunshine shimmers in my garden,
snow-in-summer spills recklessly
over walls and wombs of dirt.

i paint the summer day
in winter palettes
trying to avoid the
warmth of the sun intruding upon
my shadow of pain

In my wounded soul,
icy winds howl,
while the wild rose 
stirs within me,
playfully calling out 
my name

Listening closely i can hear
the rain laughing,
feeding off the wild abandonment
of decay

While all the garden creatures
run for cover,
i am soaking up raindrops
fragile as a broken stem,
sprouting brand new roots
returning to wholeness again

©️ 2020 Sacred SoulSongs/Mother Wintermoon