Tierra Madre

I don’t feel this is expressed as well as I would like it to be, but I’m publishing it anyway. Thank you to every cherished reader and commenter that stops by for a visit with me, as I write my way through the wilderness of c-ptsd. Love is all…MW 🙏

I am the psalm of nature
I am the rhythm of the sea 
I am the bloom of meadows
I bring forth buds and seeds
I am seasonal transitions 
All roots connect to me

I am the solar rays
I bring warmth and vitality
I am the lunar cycle
The tide ebbs and flows through me
I am thunderstorms 
I quench mountain streams
I am the trees that know
To sprout leaves every spring

I am the heartbeat of the earth
I birth the elements into being
I am mother, nurturer, giver 
Every plant and creature speaks to me
I am raw maternal power
A mighty force empowers me
I am beginnings and endings
Recurring ceaselessly

I am wild extravagance
I am biodiversity 
I am the soul of creativity 
Muses sing and paint and write through me
When I am mistreated 
All will grieve and weep with me

I am the tender valley 
I am rocks sweltering in the summer heat
I am evenfall on the sandy shore
I am the holy dirt beneath your feet
I bleed when you are careless with me

©️ 2023 Mother Wintermoon🙏

23 thoughts on “Tierra Madre

  1. this is very eloquently expressed, please never doubt yourself!

    Writing is so cathartic, keep getting it out … I doubt there are many who have not experienced trauma, sorry yours is so complex 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful piece. It’s almost as if you are saying, here I am now that you see me; what are going to do with it? Learn? then have a seat; heal with me. Attempt to harm me? Run along now; you’re not ready.

    Liked by 1 person

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