Like Plumes of Snow

I have returned
To the place of knowing
To the place of unknowing
What I have disowned

I have returned 
To the place where I have reaped
To the place where I have sown
To the place where I listen for rhythms
That resonate with my own

I have returned to the place
Where the path is tangled and overgrown
Where the sun warms the stones 
Where we stood together
Where I stand alone

I have returned
To the place of everything
To the place of nothing
To the place where I am stuck
To the place where I roam

I have returned
To the place where my sins 
Are feathers from a torn pillow 
Scattering like plumes of snow
I try to gather them all up
To bury them properly
In this place
Without end
In this place
Where I am called
To return again

©️ 2023 Mother Wintermoon 🩶

34 thoughts on “Like Plumes of Snow

  1. Beautiful. Sad but this is life for all of us. I am so glad you are alive, Mother Wintermoon. You have substance and wisdom that I am drawing from. Bless you with all the blessings of Our Universe. xox

    Liked by 1 person

    1. OhMyGoodness…thank you in abundance for blessing me. “I am so glad you are alive”….I cannot even express how much those words mean to me and how much I needed to hear them today. I am profoundly grateful to connect with you. From my heart and soul, blessings of all things good upon you, dear Lady Nyo. 🩶🙏🩶


  2. Beautiful, MW. I loved the depth of emotion this evokes. It feels reflective of life and how we carry the whole experience around with us. Some parts are gorgeously woven, some unraveling, and some in the process of being mended.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: REBLOG: Mother Wintermoon’s Like Plumes of Snow – Mangus Khan

  4. David Reuven

    Thank you for your meaningful prose. ‘Return’ is a work in progress. I’m going to read this as my personal counting of the Omer reflection.

    Liked by 1 person

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