Sun Story from a Moon Lover

The sun rose cheerily over the horizon, dazzling the world awake with her tanager glow. As the sky slowly came alive with the chromaticity of a new day, cats curled smugly into her warmth, butterflies blessed her rays for keeping them aloft, and people found the missing spring in their step.

Even the moon lover greeted the sunrise as one would greet a faithful, but finite companion. To rise into the light of another day is a now moment, not a given.

Summer Tanager

©️ 2023

Fun fact: Butterflies need the light from the sun to warm the muscles they use to fly and stay aloft. When temperatures start to dip below 80ºF their flight muscles become stiff.

22 thoughts on “Sun Story from a Moon Lover

  1. Well its coming into winter here so I better get out in the sunshine and relax my muscles in its warmth too dear lady or flight I shall not have. A beautiful prose of a world of light, thank you 😀❤️🙏


    1. Hi Colleen. Thanks for visiting with me. 🩶🙏 They are so vibrant and eye-catching in their colors of the sun and they need to stay chubby 😊 to migrate long distances from North America to as far as the middle of South America each winter. They catch wasps [to eat] on their wings and their call is a very distinctive chuckling note.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. They are in Michigan now…around mid-May. Maybe you will spot one! Let me know if you do and are able to capture it with your lens. They are deep blood orange or yellow and orange like the one in the photo.


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