Mother Wintermoon

The Wintermoon Chronicles start here: Little Wintermoon and Maiden Wintermoon

The snowfall of the night was heavy and unrelenting, the countryside blanketed in layers of white. As the evening sky filled with stars, the Winter Moon rises, her presence seemingly impersonal and indifferent.

The sleepy town below, quietly illuminated by her presence, had forgotten that the Winter Moon held a secret. The silver orb was in fact an elemental entity of immense power and potential. Each night, as it passed across the sky, it lent its power and blessing to those adventurous enough to seek it out.

On this night, one such person was the Woman. Her grayish-green eyes held a knowledge of the world, for she had been drawn to the Winter Moon since girlhood. According to the ancient myths of her people, it was said that one who sanctified the Winter Moon would be blessed with the powers of Winter.

Donning her black winter cloak with the snow white trim and crimson red collar, the Woman walked the snowy path to a clearing, while the Winter Moon watched over her. In the deep pockets of her thick, warm cloak she carried with her four clarifying, protective, balancing and edifying stones of selenite, onyx, peridot and jacinth. 

While the earth slept and dreamed, the Woman listened to the silence and the hush of Winter speak to her. As soon as the silver rays of the Winter Moon danced across her face, and the night sky glowed a pale shade of silvery-blue, the woman began her blessing of the Winter Moon.

The Woman could feel the concealed presence of the snow faeries, storm faeries, and winter tree faeries around her and she blessed them too, praying for their grace and approval. Mice, deer, rooks, robins, and a snowy owl watched from the snow-laden ground and branches of the trees overhead.

When the blessing was complete, the Woman pushed back the hood of her cloak, allowing the Winter Moonlight to blend with the random streaks of silver in her hair that marked her passage through the Shadow realm and her encounters with the grim reaper. Even with her head momentarily uncovered and glistening with snowflakes, the Woman felt a sense of warmth rising from within and a surge of strength flowing through her veins. She had been granted the powers of Winter.

The knowledge of night, endurance, life, death, rebirth, roots, dualism, transformation, dreams, and ancient prophets would stay with her forever. She could feel the pull of the earth’s tides turning. The personal alchemy of the Winter Moon transformed her connection to Father Sky and Mother Earth.

Even her Spiritual Mentors from the celestial realms occasionally sought out her embrace, for to her surprise, there were times when they too needed a Motherly Figure. Despite, or perhaps because of, all their Knowledge of the Multiverse, they sometimes felt lost and lonely.

When the Winter Moon revealed the Woman’s Soul Name bestowed upon her by the Eternal Creator, she felt a rush of freedom. Never again would she be confined to one identity or one pathway. She understood the significance of a Soul Name and always honored it with complete immersion in its essence.

She never forgot that night, or the tangible presence of the Winter Moon. Every Winter night thereafter, as the Winter Moon rose majestic, she would take a few moments to say a blessing of gratitude for the Winter Moon’s gifts, both revealed and secret. It was her special bond with the Winter Moon which kept bright, clear, crystalline hope alive.

My dear friend, what does a blessing over a winter moon look like to you? What words do you imagine being said? If you’d like to write a blessing to say over the winter moon, please do leave your blessing in the comments.

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Love is all…MW 🙏

11 thoughts on “Mother Wintermoon

  1. Your words are beautiful.
    Winter Moon (or perhaps Autumn moon as it is over here) grace us with the wisdom of accepting change, embracing the unknown and knowledge that all is love and light, as it should be. 💜🙏🏻

    Liked by 1 person

Your thoughts are a blessing to read and receive. 🙏🏼

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