9 thoughts on “The Gifts

  1. And the gifts that we are. On the day I finally saw through my fear and understood it….I could see this gift we are given to find us. This entire journey is an incredible gift so that we can understand what love truly is. There are no words, just a profound understanding that each and every step we dare is bringing us to a place inside us. And yes, it is hard…but not one person I have asked who have dared to understand their fear and gone through it, would take one backward step. They ‘knew’ in an instant of what they had just traveled…and the gift that it all indeed is. Thank you for sharing your gift kind lady, may it be returned as profoundly 😀❤️🙏

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    1. “…just a profound understanding that each and every step we dare is bringing us to a place inside us…” Beautiful thought, Mark. Thank you for being here under the moonlight with me and sharing your wisdom. 🙏❤️🙏


  2. Beautiful MW. To me, I wonder of some of the gifts I have that others and not even myself have acknowledged yet. I know I had many gifts in childhood that were not validated but I do my best to allow them forth today. Many Blessings, Lisa xoxo 🙏💕


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