1001 Steps

I believe in your love. 
I believe in your dreams.
I believe in your joy.
I believe in your sorrow.
I believe in you.
With every step you breathe your presence into existence. 
They say the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,
You are on step one thousand and one,
No one warned you about the next step,
That’s the one that sends you flying,
Falling, falling onto the footpath of the unknown,
I see monsters and faeries in the distance.

©️2021 MW 🙏

13 thoughts on “1001 Steps

  1. Lovely post, MW. Sometimes we can control where our next step will lead us, and sometimes, we can’t. So we take those steps with hope that love and joy will be found in the distance. 💗

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mother Wintermoon

      Here’s to hope and the gift of hope you give to others, like me. 🥰 Thank you, dear friend. Sending abundant blessings your way. 💖

      Liked by 1 person

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