Before There Was One God

Before there was one God,
God was an ewe in labor…
A rain cloud
A life form
The warm sun on the horizon
An orchard in bloom

Before there was one God,
God was a mantra…
A deed
An unplowed field
A thought in progress
A cluster of stars
A gurgling stream
Laughing, chanting
Twirling, dancing
Moonlight shimmering
Whispering, whispering, whispering
Love, love!
Beloved, Beloved!
You are my gardener
I am your seed
You are my bud
I am your tree

I am the flower
You are the bee

2021 MW 🙏
Imported from Silver Moon Cove. Original post.



Many of you wonder which beliefs to follow.
Many are torn this way and that,
not sure what to think.
Not sure if the stories you are told,
are true.

You do not need ancient tomes to know me
You do not need houses of prayer to speak to me
You do not need holy books to find me.
I am inside of you,
All around you,
In the animate and the inanimate.
I am a verb and I am a noun.
I am female and I am male.
I am mystical and I am mundane.
I am supernatural and I am flesh and blood.

The ancients knew me as
I am
I was
I will be

I am fluidity
I am becoming
I am a process unfolding

Man has created an image,
Trying to find what he could not see.
Trying to give voice to a vastness beyond his grasp.
My emanation does not arise from books.
Or volumes of instructions interpreted by man.
I am in the Higher Consciousness of mankind.
All kinds.

Do not feel conflicted.
There is no prescription for prayer,
No ritual you must perform,
No vow you must take,
No ‘one true faith.’
Simply embody sacredness,
And you will find me there.

I am
I was
I will be

I am The Infinite
I am Without End
I am The Place wherever you are on your journey.

I am aware of the voluminous words,
Man has attributed to my desires,
But they do not move me.
I am the goodness of your deeds,
The genuineness of your heart,
The kindness of your tongue,
The integrity of your work.
My words are inside of you.
You speak them in your way,
In your own unique manner.
Eloquently or ineloquently,
It does not matter,
As long as you are sincere.

Your humanity is my voice.
Your sacredness personifies my presence.
I live and breathe on earth
With you…
Through you…
Because of you.

© 2005 Mother Wintermoon — All Rights Reserved (minor updates Nov 2016/Dec 2018)
Original post

Words in italics are a few of the many Hebrew names for God:

  • The Place — HaMakom 
  • Without End/The Infinite — Ein Sof (Name for God in Kabbalah).
  • Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh — I am. I was. I will be. God self-identified to Moses by this name in Exodus 3:14.