Moment to Moment

Moment to moment
In this wasted land
The trees still rise to greet the sun and the moon

In every untenable moment
Lives a parallel moment
Where the rivers still flow
The birds still sing
The flowers still bloom

When tenderness and harshness collide
In this wasted land
The rivers still flow
The birds still sing
The flowers still bloom
The trees still rise to greet the sun and the moon
Moment to moment

© 2022 MW

For David’s Wea’ve Written Weekly (W3) poetry prompt on Skeptic’s Kaddish. Kerf Roig is our prompt poet this week. Guidelines: Responsive poem. 16 lines or less. Must start and end with the same line.

45 thoughts on “Moment to Moment

  1. It’s nice to see a poem from you. It’s a mystery how I can look out my window, see the sun on the trees and birds and squirrels at the feeder, meanwhile the globe is burning down. The world continues to turn, I guess, regardless of what humans are doing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mother Wintermoon

      Thank you, dear Giannis. It’s very kind of you to stop by to read, comment and encourage. Enjoy your weekend. Many blessings to you, MW 🙏🏼


    1. Mother Wintermoon

      Mother Nature does wonders for mind, body and spirit…along with our precious furbabies. Thank you for commenting on my poem. Love n’ hugs backatcha. 🧡

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Mother Wintermoon

      I have a friend that composes music and lyrics on her guitar. Maybe I’ll ask her to make a song out of it. I’m jazzed that you said it reads like a song. 😍


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