Welcome To My Garden (I unlocked the gate)


Sunshine shimmers in my garden,
snow-in-summer spills recklessly
over walls and wombs of dirt.

i paint the summer day
in winter palettes
trying to avoid the
warmth of the sun intruding upon
my shadow of pain

In my wounded soul,
icy winds howl,
while the wild rose 
stirs within me,
playfully calling out 
my name

Listening closely i can hear
the rain laughing,
feeding off the wild abandonment
of decay

While all the garden creatures
run for cover,
i am soaking up raindrops
fragile as a broken stem,
sprouting brand new roots
returning to wholeness again

©️ 2020 Sacred SoulSongs/Mother Wintermoon

11 thoughts on “Welcome To My Garden (I unlocked the gate)

  1. Oh, MW, this is so lovely. It sounds like a wonderful time in the garden. Sun or rain, I love those moments. I haven’t heard of snow-in-summer, but what a gorgeous flowering shrub! 🥰🌺🌻🌼

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